Laurel has now finished the 66 Academy after 9 months and we are in awe of how much she has transformed the way she lives & feels about herself.
She may have lost a whopping 13.5kg (2.1 stone) in that time but the biggest difference for Laurel is how much happier she is, not just with how she looks, but how she now prioritises and takes care of herself. Our debrief chat highlighted what a positive impact the Programmeme has had on her life, but here are a few key ‘loves’ that really stood out:
Laurel has a new found love of walking and being active in nature, and even started a very popular lunchtime walking initiative at her work to improve employee wellbeing & activity levels. Walking for her has been a gamechanger, both mentally and physically.
She loves how much healthier she feels, not being out of breath as she climbs the stairs, lifting heavier weights and feeling more energised day-to-day. This new-found strength has bled into her life outside of the gym, where she feels empowered by setting boundaries and being disciplined, essentially living life by her rules and not other people’s.
She loves what a positive impact her journey has had on those close to her, with family members replicating her daily habits & losing more than 10kg too.
Laurel knew she wanted to make a change and was unhappy before, and in less than a year she has carved out a life for herself where she’s the one in control. Yes, she had to make some sacrifices early on, but now those sacrifices aren’t sacrifices at all, they’re rewards and she’s reaping all of the benefits – happiness & health every day.

Laurel has been an A* client to work with from the get-go. Consistent, engaging and hard-working, she knew there were no short cuts and trusted us & the process completely.
Our biggest success with her is that she now has the confidence to continue on this path, holding herself accountable along the way, and we have no doubt she’ll continue to make progress and achieve her goals. We would say good luck, but Laurel doesn’t need luck, just herself.
If you’d like to book a no-pressure consultation for the Academy, where we can chat about your goals and needs, and ultimately find out whether we’re the right solution for you, fill in your details here. This chat is informal and won’t last longer than 30 minutes, we can do it in person at Gym66 or via video chat, whatever works for you!